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Involved Dad (ID) strengthens families by helping fathers and families achieve stability and success through fatherhood engagement. By investing in ID, you invest in our vision to live in a society where individuals have the knowledge, skills, and resources to be self-sufficient, parents have the ability to provide the best for their children, and families are a solid foundation for healthy communities. ID has gone All In to realize this vision.


All In is our strategy where we connect person-centered case management, supportive networks, and individual accountability to address fatherlessness, and family instability. Going All-In means we provide access to the best opportunities to brighten the futures of our members, their families, and the communities in which they live


During this time of crisis with COVID-19, we are continuing to work with our members to ensure they are given the resources to succeed. With your help and our collective vision for our society, you make this work possible. Together, we are All In, and we will come through this experience stronger, wiser, and closer together. We could not do this without you and we are so grateful that we are in All In this together.

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